Men’s Glastonbury Outfit Ideas - What to wear to Glastonbury?

Glastonbury Festival is more than just a music event; it’s a fashion phenomenon. Bold statement I know but think about it, what people wear is always a topic of conversation… That and the unpredictability of British weather.

glastonbury festival fashion for men

Figuring out what to wear can be a challenge. Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned festival-goer, having the right outfit can make all the difference. Here’s your ultimate guide to men’s Glastonbury outfit ideas, designed to keep you comfortable, stylish, and ready for anything.

More Summer Festival Resources

Oh, and before we jump in, here is a list of further resources for you to check out once you’re done here.

Finally, if you are dressing up because you’re hosting your own festival, then do check out these personalised festival themed party invitations and these custom backstage passes. With that all plugged, let’s move on to your Glastonbury style guide!

Glastonbury Style Tips

men at glastonbury music festival

Now before you start slipping into your neon green cargo pants and calling it a job well done. Remember lads, Glastonbury fashion is different then general music festival fashion.

Neon will slide at Parklife. In-fact, that rave aesthetic is very prominent at Parklife. And as for the big fluffy coats and no shirt? Save that for burning man. This is Glastonbury. What I want you to think is preppy, old school money, farmers son and/or boho.

Shorts and Shirt Combo

When it comes to festival fashion, the shorts and shirt combo is a classic. It’s versatile, comfortable, and easy to mix and match. Start with the basics:

Festival Shorts and Shirt for men

Festival Shorts and Shirt for men - Image Source

Get The Look

White Shirt - Shop USA | Shop UK

White Shorts - Shop USA | Shop UK

Festival Shorts and Shirt Combo

Festival Shorts and Shirt Combo - Image Source

Get The Look

The Set - Shop USA | Shop UK

Festival Shorts and Shirt

Festival Shorts and Shirt - Image Source

Get The Look

Brown Shirt - Shop USA | Shop UK

Cargo Shorts - Shop USA | Shop UK

Boho Festival Shorts and Shirt for men

Boho Festival Shorts and Shirt for men - Image Source

Get The Look

Boho Shirt - Shop USA | Shop UK

Denim Shorts - Shop USA | Shop UK


  • Cargo Shorts: These are practical with plenty of pockets for your essentials. Plus, they’re usually made from sturdy materials that can withstand the rigors of festival life.

    Shop USA Cargos | Shop UK Cargos

  • Denim Shorts: Timeless and durable, denim shorts are perfect for a laid-back look. They pair well with almost any shirt.

    Shop USA Denim | Shop UK Denim

  • Athletic Shorts: If you’re after maximum comfort, athletic shorts made from breathable fabrics are a great choice. They’re perfect for dancing and moving around freely.

    Shop USA Athletic | Shop UK Athletic


  • T-Shirts: You can’t go wrong with a classic t-shirt. Opt for fun prints or band tees to show off your personality.

  • Tank Tops: Ideal for hot weather, tank tops keep you cool and give you freedom of movement.

  • Short-Sleeve Button-Ups: These add a touch of style to your outfit. Go for lightweight materials like linen or cotton to stay comfortable.

Mixing and Matching

When pairing shorts and shirts, consider color coordination and patterns. A simple rule is to balance busy patterns with solid colors. For example, if you’re wearing patterned shorts, pair them with a plain t-shirt, and vice versa. Personally, I once rocked a pair of vibrant floral shorts with a plain white tee, and it became one of my favorite festival outfits!

Boho Shirts

Boho shirts are a festival staple. They’re loose, comfortable, and ooze that effortless cool vibe. Here’s a few great style examples to get you started;

Green Festival Outfit for men

Green Festival Outfit for men - Image Source

Classy Festival Outfit for men

Classy Festival Outfit for men - Image Source

Funky Festival Outfit for men

Funky Festival Outfit for men - Image Source

Colorful Festival Outfit for men

Colorful Festival Outfit for men - Image Source

My Favourite Finds

Patterned Boho Shirts

First is Vatpave. It’s an amazon brand that sells a bunch of these quirky boho styled shirts. Super comfortable and they come in loads of options, just check them out here;

Beachy Boho Shirts

Second is for people who want to be more subtle. This linen brand Goofandy makes gorgeous shirts which are pretty durable and super cheap. Check them out here;

Types of Boho Shirts

  • Loose-Fit Shirts: Perfect for that relaxed, carefree look. These shirts often come in lightweight fabrics, ideal for keeping cool.

  • Embroidered Shirts: Add a touch of flair with some embroidery. These details can make your outfit stand out without being too flashy.

  • Printed Shirts: From paisleys to florals, printed boho shirts bring a pop of color and pattern to your outfit.

Pairing Boho Shirts

Boho shirts pair well with almost anything. For a laid-back look, team them with denim shorts or ripped jeans. If you’re feeling adventurous, try them with patterned shorts – just make sure the patterns don’t clash too much. A friend of mine once paired a paisley boho shirt with plain black shorts, and it was a hit!


Accessorize your boho look with some simple jewelry or a cool hat. A few beaded bracelets or a leather necklace can add to the overall vibe without going overboard.


Be Prepared for Anything

Glastonbury is known for its unpredictable weather, so a good coat is essential. The key is to find something that keeps you dry and warm but doesn’t weigh you down.

Types of Coats

Waterproof Jackets

These are a must. Look for something lightweight and packable so you can easily carry it around.


For those colder days, a parka can provide extra warmth. Make sure it’s waterproof and has a hood.

Lightweight Raincoats

These are perfect for those unexpected showers. They’re easy to pack away when not needed.

Material Matters

When choosing a coat, consider the material. Waterproof and breathable fabrics like Gore-Tex are ideal. They keep you dry without making you sweat.


Layering is key to staying comfortable. Start with a base layer like a t-shirt, add a mid-layer like a hoodie or sweater, and top it off with your coat. This way, you can adjust your outfit as the weather changes.

Festival Footwear

Comfort is King

Footwear can make or break your festival experience. You’ll be on your feet a lot, so comfort is paramount.

Types of Shoes


Sturdy and reliable, boots are great for muddy conditions. Opt for waterproof options like wellies or hiking boots.


For dry days, a good pair of sneakers can keep you comfortable. Choose ones with good arch support and cushioning.


A festival favorite, wellies are essential for wet and muddy conditions. They’re easy to clean and keep your feet dry. Not to mention, is it really Glastonbury if you don’t wear wellies?

Material and Design

Look for shoes made from breathable materials to prevent overheating. Features like cushioned insoles and good arch support will keep your feet happy all day long.

Footwear Maintenance

Keep your shoes in good shape by giving them a quick clean after each day. For boots and wellies, a rinse with water can remove mud and dirt. For sneakers, a quick wipe down should suffice.


Functional and Stylish

A hat can be both a fashion statement and a practical accessory. It protects you from the sun and rain while adding a finishing touch to your outfit.

Types of Hats

Bucket Hats

Perfect for that casual, laid-back vibe. They’re also great for keeping the sun off your face.


For a more modern look, snapbacks are a great choice. They’re adjustable and come in a variety of designs.

Material Choices

Choose materials based on the weather. For sunny days, go for lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton or straw. For rainy days, look for water-resistant materials.

Styling Hats

Hats can be styled with almost any outfit. Pair a fedora with a boho shirt for a classic festival look, or a snapback with a t-shirt and shorts for something more casual. Personally, I’ve found that a bucket hat is a lifesaver when the weather turns unexpectedly – it keeps the rain off my face and looks cool too.

Key Takeaways

  • Comfort is key: Choose clothing and footwear that allow you to move freely and stay comfortable all day.

  • Be prepared for all weather: Pack a waterproof jacket and consider layering your clothing to adjust to changing conditions.

  • Express your style: Festivals are a chance to showcase your personality, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different looks.

  • Accessorize: Add some flair to your outfit with hats, jewelry, and other accessories.

  • Take care of your gear: Keep your clothing and footwear clean and well-maintained to ensure they last throughout the festival.


Glastonbury is a whirlwind of music, culture, and fun, and the right outfit can enhance your experience. Whether you’re mixing and matching shorts and shirts, embracing the boho vibe, preparing for all weather with the perfect coat.


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Festival Outfit Ideas for Women


Women’s Glastonbury Outfit Ideas - What to wear to Glastonbury?